Rich Pratt


Rich Pratt is so deserving on so many levels of his HOF induction.  He has served the Top Gun association as a board member, manager of a Triple Grand Slam team and other championship teams and as a player on those same championship teams.  He has meant so much to Top Gun softball in the fact that he has brought so many players into the association that are still playing.  He has been a big contributor to the association as a board member and shows unwavering support everything Top Gun softball.  As a player he has to be one of the best outfielders especially running down balls that most outfielders would not even sniff at much less catch.  He became a very polished hitter and one that can be counted on when the game needed a big moment.  He has been a great manager/coach of a Triple Grand Slam team and has had huge success with his teams.  He is really what is know as a triple threat and the association is grateful he has stayed with Top Gun softball and was so honored with his well deserved HOF induction in 2018.