Presidents Award Winners
John Spadea
Player of the Year Honorees
75+ Classics – Dave Duarte
75+ Gold – Rico Coronado
70+ Gold – Mike McCasey
65+ Gold – John Woolsey
60+ Elite – Paul Lederman
55+ Gold – Ron Chenier
50+ Gold – Chuck Yeager
50+ Rookies – Sergio Vargas
Hall of Fame Inductees

Steve Vin Curek
Steve Vin Curek is perhaps one of the most consistent players to play in Top Gun Senior Softball association. His consistency in both the field and at the plate is what sets him apart from other players and therefore why he is in the Top Gun HOF. He has been a major contributor to all of the teams he has played with within Top Gun. He numerous All Tournament selections and being a member of World Championships teams including the Top Gun Elite 60 team that won the Triple Grand Slam of SSUSA is definitely his shining moment in his Top Gun softball career of which is not concluded. Therefore this is why he was selected for induction into the Top Gun Senior Softball association Hall of Fame class of 2016.

Bob Kapeller
Bob is a student of the game, a mentor, and an excellent player. Always trying to improve his game and help others do the same with theirs. Bob has also contributed to the success of his teams which has earned him 19 championship rings and 9 all-tournament/MVP awards. Bob inspired and is one of the organizers of the annual Wounded Warriors Project Benefit senior softball tournament which honors the wounded veterans of the military actions following the events of September 11, 2001 plus those members of our armed forces (both past and present) for their service, dedication, and sacrifices for our country. This event has raised over $7,500 after its first two tournaments. For his time and effort in organizing this event, Bob received a Certificate of Recognition Award from California Legislature Assemblywoman Melissa A. Melendez, 67th Assembly District for outstanding volunteer service to the community and to America’s veterans. His sudden passing touched all who knew him very deeply. He passed away on November 22, 2016 and on December 4, 2016 was posthumously inducted into the TopGun Hall of Fame.

David Seitz
Dave Seitz joined the Top Gun Senior Softball association in 2001. In his first season with the Top Gun II team they won the 2001 Master World Championship in the 50 AA division. He was selected MVP during that tournament and won many more all tournament awards. He said he was very fortunate to have played on so many championship teams within his over 15 years in the Top Gun association. In 2004 he once again was member of the 2004 Master World 50 Major division championship team. As a middle infielder he turned 13 double plays during that tournament for which he said was one of his two greatest teams in all of the years he played tournament softball. He has also served the Top Gun association as a manager, board member as Vice President. During his tenure as manager with 55, 60 teams his team won 5 major ring level tournaments with Senior Softball. His selection into the Top Gun HOF in 2016 was as a player but he reminded everyone during his HOF speech he got there because of so many others that helped him along the way.
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